She stayed with us until she turned 10 months old & she found her furever home! 🥰
She stayed with us until she turned 10 months old & she found her furever home! 🥰

The above pics are 2 separate puppies that have went to the same home in Pennsylvania. This family loved the 1st puppy they got from us so much they wanted a 2nd puppy from us. 😍

This puppy, the white one, is now living in Florida.
This puppy, the white one, is now living in Florida.
This is my baby Duke! He's my huge baby and very protective of me! 🥰😍❤
This is my baby Duke! He's my huge baby and very protective of me! 🥰😍❤

The above pics are of a puppy that now lives in Colorado.

This was our 1st litter. 😍
This was our 1st litter. 😍

The babies above had colors that were different than the whites we have been used to having and they were a surprise to us when they were born but it was nice to see the different, or odd, colors. They were very adorable, but still as loving, loyal, and playful as the whites.

The baby in the above pics lives in North Carolina. I've also included screenshots of what this baby's mom sent to me so you all could see. 

*I cropped them to cut out any identifying info/picture of her, for her privacy.

This baby lives in Connecticut with his furdaddy.

This baby lives in Maine with his furever family.
This baby lives in Maine with his furever family.

The 2 pics above are of a "puppy" out of Duke & Ellie Mae. He lives in Louisiana and is only about 6 months old in those pics! He's going to be a big boy! 🥰